Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spies, Masques and Marionette Puppets - March Break

Thank you to everyone for kick-starting our March Break with some awesome artmaking!  A big thanks to Krystii for playing with us on Monday, and to all of our March Break artists who made it work!
Monday became about mixed-up creatures: two different creatures mixed into one...and Tuesday became about animal characters, alternate identities and being excellent, careful undercover spies!

Everyone did a really good job on their plaster mixed-up creatures! That was fun. We made our armatures and learned how masking tape can keep our newspaper dry until our plaster sets, and that we can always do repairs before we paint... we had some bright colours to paint with and created contrast, and colourful planets too!
Our Monday masks were fun and exciting explorations...I will post a link for parents to watch our original masked production.

Tuesday morning we created mini puppet heads on sticks out of clay. Our Tuesday masks became doubley secret identities: continuing our spy games from the park, we decided that we were going to a masked ball for spies! We made our secret identity cards and each created our spy names.

I will post pictures here soon, and post a tutorial for those who wanted to complete a marionette after all but ran out of time!

Have a great remainder of your break!