Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ah! ArtClub

A fun first session. Sorry that some of us were not feeling well after their awesome performances at Cross Country ~We'll catch you up:
We explored riddles, talked about the "I spy books" by Jean Marzollo and wrote a poem inspired by a prompt at Scholastic. Here is our version:
(Untitled ~aabb)
 Some sushi, some cheese, a purple Puffle,
A green penguin, Lillian, who trampolines on a waffle,

A Cyclops, a Pegasus, a Unicorn Crockpot,
A mustachioed red panda, dancing on the spot.

We started to draw different elements from our poem. Characters, ideas and storyboards emerged for: a quick stop motion project, a flip book and a comic book.

We looked at miniature works by photographer Christopher Boffoli and will continue to explore the idea of scale, and digital reality.

And we started the conversation and thinking on designing our own 'electronical' devices, which we will try to create over the coming weeks. We looked at examples of soft-sculpture works by artist Megan Whitmarsh:

And lastly we learned about the possibility of things being TRUE  but not necessarily ONLY TRUE or the WHOLE TRUTH, through a riddle of sorts ~ The Parable of the Blind "Men" and the Elephant(which we changed to 'blind People' and the elephant) and discussed how we can create a bigger picture of things together...then laughed to realize how a bigger picture still has a point of view:
Six blind elephants were discussing what men were like.
After arguing they decided to find one and determine what
it was like by direct experience.
The first blind elephant felt the man and declared -
“Men are flat.”
After all the blind elephants felt the man, they agreed. 


Friday, September 21, 2012

Geography Awareness Week 2012 (U.S.)

November 11, 2012 - November 17, 2012

Funnest Site: Mission Explore 
Think about posting your own local Missions,
and let us know about them here:

ArtClub Mission Roll

Thursday, September 13, 2012

This contest is closed now...but watch for it next year!!

TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
Art Contest for k-8 students.
forms and info here:  http://www.fef.td.com/artcontest/ 
and here for pdf submission form:artcontest form

The contest runs from Sept. 10 - Oct. 5th
All entries must be postmarked no later than:
October 5 at 5:oo p.m., 2012.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to school Artclub starts September 25th!

Halton PD Days All-Day Art Making Fun
is available for the following days:

October 5th
(Not so Still Life)

November 23rd
(Changing Colours) and

February 1st
(New Symbols & Odd Shapes)


  9-4 pm with am/pm extended care available($6)

Email or call Sylvie at 905-639-8545 to register.