Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Marionettes from ArtClub Mondays Week 2

We worked on our Marionettes last Monday with some fun results:

 This is our messy and productive work station.

And here are some clay heads we designed and worked on over our styrofoam armatures. Making sure to create holes for later construction and to help support our work whenever it needed to dry.
We had some problems when we made our self-hardening clay too thin(which I had suggested to do to try to keep things light!).  We learned thicker is better, and heavy is just fine, for puppet heads ...and that the cracking was a neat effect and glue was a great fix.  We used acrylic paint to paint our clay.

Duck is drying.
Mr. E. is being assembled with extra paper tubes for sleeves and trousers.
Our friends were assembled. More details on this to follow. 

Our wings flap and we walk along with animation. We decided to only do arms for these three to keep it simple for little people to operate.